
How to become a Product Designer? Hear it from Rathindra.

28 Jun comments

What are the skills required to be a Product Designer?

  • Sketching
  • Material handling
  • Maths basics
  • Communication

The most critical factor for being successful in this career is, you have to learn from your past mistakes and don’t repeat those. And always try to learn more from the previous mistakes. Don’t stop until and unless you reach there.


What do you think potential recruiters look for in a fresh Product Designer?

Recruiters always look for the minds which are hungry to explore and know the job of how to design a product and its execution. They don’t want the fresh product designers to get lost in their daily design routine. Instead, they want them to come up with everything new and make creative products.


How do I know if a career in Product Designing is for me?

There are no signs or indication. If you are curious to know how things work and have thought of making it more aesthetically appealing, you can take up product designing. The field will suit you, if you love to handle things and use it in different manner as well as know how to make the best out of waste. When you love creating products and make things beautiful and easy to use, you will automatically start seeing the world from a different point of view. Because they are the people who have totally different way of thinking. They know how to utilise and how to do it.


What is the future of Product Design in India?

There are lots of scope in product design in India. There has been increase in Product designers for various design firms.

A product designer can perform jobs like media marketing, concept development, research and development.


Product Designing courses are generally expensive. What are my options if formal education is not an option for me due to financial reasons?

Yes, Product designing courses are generally expensive nowadays.

  1. One option that I would suggest you is, take educational loans. Don’t hesitate, do the possible things to attain your dreams. And after getting into college, keep track of various schemes and scholarships, so that you can pay back.
  2. Other option is to apply through CEED exam or GATE exam. This is not so easy as compared to other entrance exams, so you must work hard to crack it and get into a good product designing college.


Any recommended resources for aspiring Product Designers?


What do you think everyone leaving higher secondary school should know?

I just want to tell all upcoming undergraduates that, do what you love, and do it with full passion. Don’t lose faith, somehow you will get there, if you work hard. Don’t lose faith, even if you fail in life. Life is all about making opportunities and not by waiting for it. Do whatever is your passion, but do it with full love and energy.

And those who want to be in Product designing should start following those big leaders/designers who has already walked a long distance in their career. Start following their footsteps, try leaning their works and design style to perform better.

Watch, learn, make mistakes and learn from those mistake. From wherever possible absorb good things.

And in terms of design: Don’t ever fall in love with your design. 😉

I mean keep on improving, because there are times we will fall in love with our first thoughts. But there are always many more possibilities.


Do you really think scoring good matters a lot when you apply for jobs in industries?

No, according to me.

But yes, marks do play an important role. But apart from that, learning and gaining experience is the important thing. If you don’t learn and just score marks, nothing is going to help you. So study that’s a good thing, but also learn things physically and practically and obviously do make mistakes. Mistakes symbolises that you are about to learn something new. Always remember to learn from the mistakes and don’t repeat it.


You can read how Rathindra became a Product Designer here.


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